In-House Diagnostic Laboratory Testing

Our Laboratory is well equipped and our trained Technicians carry out the majority of diagnostic testing here at the clinic to provide faster and better care to you and your pets.

We can do full blood work wellness checkups and have results as soon as 30-40 minutes as well as special testing for disease management and diagnosis.
Any laboratory testing that the staff is unable to do here in house are sent to one of our great and trusted outsourced laboratories.

Blood Work can often be a great insight into your pets metabolic health. We recommend that it be done yearly as your pet ages. This way we can catch any age related issues or concerns early enough to provide a thorough and complete treatment. Your Veterinarian may recommend blood work during a visit if you are having any concerns with your pet.

Importance of Bloodwork

See below for a handout on why Blood Work is so important.

Download Here

Early Detection Handout

If you are concerned about your pet, please see the Early Detection handout/questionnaire to know if your pet should have Wellness Blood Testing.

Download Here

The NAC staff runs In-House Fecal Flotation Testing to rule out commonly found intestinal parasites to provide you and your pet with faster and more reliable results. We recommend this be done yearly at Annual Examinations.

Cytologies may be recommended to identify certain types of ear or skin related infections or problems. Cytology is also used to identify masses/growths aspirated during a visit with your veterinarian. This can help us to diagnose types of ear infections or ear mites, skin diseases/disorders, benign or malignant masses and also to identify urine sediment for an in-house urinalysis testing.

Our doctors can run in-house urinalysis testing if your pet is showing signs of possible urinary tract infections or other urinary complications. If your pet is urinating more frequently, unable to urinate, or has blood in the urine, this is a great diagnostic tool. We can normally have results as soon as
20-30 minutes providing your pet with speedy access to an accurate treatment.

There are many more tests we are able to perform depending on your concerns and your pets needs. NAC prides ourselves on being able to provide answers to your concerns as promptly and accurately as possible while using any necessary diagnostics we have at our disposal.